Nylon Harness

Windsor Wire Company offers different nylon cable harnesses styles to choose from to help you with all jobs that require the pulling of wire or cables. Cables and wires are notorious for becoming a massive pain in the neck, especially when they become tangled or knotted during pulls. This is why Windsor Wire offers to wrap the cables or wires you need to pull in custom nylon cable harnesses.

Simply provide us with the cables you will use for your upcoming job, and we will wrap them in our custom bindings so you can enter the worksite and avoid this aspect of job setup. If you do not have the cables you need yet, we can provide them and wrap them in our nylon custom bindings, if needed. These custom waxed-nylon binders can be wrapped around your cables in varying degrees of tightness as needed, and we can arrange them in spiral and cross configurations as well. We even include footage tape so that you know precisely how much of your nylon-bound cables have been pulled through at any point.

If you would like any additional information about our nylon cable harnesses, or any other product or service that we offer, please call us at 802.674.6555 or email us at sales@windsorwireco.com and we will respond as quickly as possible!

Nylon Harness

Custom Binding

  • Keep wire neatly secured in a parallel configuration
  • Available in varying tightness
  • Waxed nylon binder
  • Spiral wrap- Single binder
  • Cross wrap- Double Binder
  • Footage tape upon request
  • Plenum rated binder available

Make it a RapidPull bundled cable pulling system today!

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Or call us today at 802.674.6555